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Streamlit App for Formula OCR using pix2tex


I've implemented and deployed a Streamlit application designed for writing a LaTeX formula from an image containing that formula. The application is hosted on Hugging Face Spaces and github so users can upload images freely and copy LaTeX formulas.

For the frontend, I use Streamlit, a framework that makes frontend for data projects easy. For the backend converter, I use a Python module named pix2tex that uses computer vision to generate the LaTeX formula.

from PIL import Image
from pix2tex.cli import LatexOCR

img ='path/to/image.png')
model = LatexOCR()

You can access the application online at or

You can read the following if you want to know the implementation details or clone the project.


  • Python >=3.9
  • torch >=2.0.0
  • Streamlit
  • Pillow
  • pix2tex


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd pix2tex
  2. Create a virtual environment and activate it:

python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
python -m venv myenv
  1. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Start the Streamlit server:

    streamlit run
  3. Access the application by visiting http://localhost:8501 in your web browser.

Development Details

During the development of the Streamlit-based formula OCR app, several key components and decisions were made to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow.

Backend with pix2tex

The core functionality of converting images into LaTeX formulas is powered by the pix2tex Python module. This module leverages computer vision techniques to perform LaTeX OCR on images. The following snippet illustrates how the image processing is handled:

from PIL import Image
from pix2tex.cli import LatexOCR

def process_image(image):
    # Perform LaTeX OCR on the image
    img =
    model = LatexOCR()
    latex_formula = model(img)
    return latex_formula

The LatexOCR class from pix2tex is responsible for extracting LaTeX formulas from images, making the app suitable for mathematical content extraction.

Streamlit for Frontend

The frontend of the application is built using Streamlit, a powerful Python library for creating web applications with minimal effort. Streamlit allowed for rapid prototyping and easy integration with the backend.

The image is rendered with a streamlit function st.latex:

import streamlit as st


Add information about how users can use the application, including any specific instructions or features.

Deployment Guide


Deployment on is pretty fastforward 1. You can put the application on a public repository. Then, Go to the website, signup with you github account for example, then choose the repository and your pyhton script.

On streamlit

To deploy the app on Hugging Face, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Hugging Face Account:

    • If you don't have a Hugging Face account, create one on Hugging Face.
  2. Create a New Space:

    • Log in to your Hugging Face account.
    • Navigate to the Spaces page.
    • Click on "New Space" and give it a name, e.g., "FileHostingApp."
  3. Upload Your Code:

    • Inside your local pix2tex directory, create a .zip archive of your code.
    • Upload the .zip archive to your newly created Space.
  4. Set Up Environment Variables:

    • In your Hugging Face Space, go to "Settings."
    • Under the "Environment Variables" section, add the necessary variables, such as any API keys or configuration parameters.
  5. Deploy the App:

    • Go back to the "Overview" tab in your Space.
    • Click on "Deploy Model" and follow the instructions to deploy your Streamlit app.
  6. Access Your Deployed App:

    • Once deployed, you can access your app through the provided link.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.