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Introducing the lissajou Package: Animate Stunning Lissajou Curves and Beyond

Lissajou curves have always held a certain fascination for me. Their intricate, ever-changing patterns hold a beauty that's both mathematical and artistic. So, one day, I decided to embark on a journey to bring these curves to life through animation.

A Look Back: The Spark of Inspiration:

It all started with a simple Wikipedia search. I was particularly drawn to the idea of closed sinusoids, those graceful loops that seemed to dance across the screen. As an educator who enjoys helping students visualize complex concepts, I saw an opportunity to explore the animation of functions changing over time, something I hadn't delved into deeply before.

Finding a solution for plotting functions dynamically with matplotlib wasn't too challenging. I stumbled upon some helpful code online online that dealt with animating images. However, I wanted to adapt it to my specific needs. While the original code relied on global variables to maintain persistence across animation frames, I opted for a more structured approach using classes. This allowed for cleaner code organization and easier abstraction for generating various figures.

The Exploration Begins: From Simple to Stunning:

Through experimentation, I explored various shapes like sinusoids, ellipses, and circles. Adjusting the animation speed proved to be a crucial aspect. Sometimes, the dynamic view offered an exhilarating glimpse into the evolution of the curves. Other times, a static image, capturing the essence of a closed sinusoid, held its own charm.

The Unexpected Delight: A Dynamic Ratio:

The real magic happened when I decided to experiment with a dynamic ratio for the Lissajou curve parameters. Introducing cos(t/100) into the equation for the ratio a/b created a truly mesmerizing effect. The curves seemed to pulsate and transform with an added layer of complexity. This unexpected discovery was a highlight of the entire project for me.

Sharing the Joy: Invitation to Play:

I encourage you to explore the code and animations yourself. The beauty of open-source tools like matplotlib and the power of Python made this project a rewarding experience.

The good news? You don't need to be a coding expert to create stunning animations! Here's how to get started with the Lissajou Animation Framework:

  1. Installation: Open your terminal (command prompt) and type: pip install lissajou

  2. Import the Library: In your Python script, type:

from lissajou.anim import GenericLissajou
  1. Create an Animation: Now, create an animation object:
animation = GenericLissajou()
  1. Run the Animation: Simply call the show() method to display your animation:

That's it! This code will generate a basic Lissajou curve animation.

And like in a restaurant, you can update the parameters of the lissajou function as well as the visualiation configurations

Also, like in a restaurant, you have more a variety of proposotions: Instead of the Generic Lissajou Curve (GenericLissajou), you can also test out Lissajou Curve with Varying Amplitude, with Sinusoidal Amplitude Lissajou Curve, with Fixed Ratio, Ellipse Animation and more.

You will find more informations on the documentation online

Beyond the Basics: Explore the Full Potential:

The Lissajou Animation Framework is much more than just Lissajou curves! It offers a powerful toolkit for creating diverse animations:

  • Image Animation: Bring static images to life by dynamically changing their pixel values.
  • 2D Parametric Animation: Create animations based on mathematical equations, allowing for endless possibilities.
  • 3D Parametric Animation (Optional Libraries Needed): Take your animations to a new dimension by generating and visualizing 3D shapes in motion.

The framework also includes pre-implemented animations for various Lissajou curve types, saving you time and effort.

Dive Deeper:

For a comprehensive look at the framework's capabilities and advanced usage, check out the pypi project including full documentation. But don't be afraid to experiment and explore on your own! The world of animation awaits.

Let's create something beautiful together!