Search Engine for domain specific french users¶
This tutorial is a work i've made as part of my internship at Safran. The objective is to create a search engine that take as input, a user query and return a shortlist of stored documents highly relevant to the search query. Parsing both the user query and the document in a same comparison space is a must. We use a projection in a vector space after common NLP tasks as tokenisation, stop word removal, lemmatization correction. Finally, unlike english as a standard for common NLP projects, we use tools that worked very well with french texts.
In this post, we will be building a semantic documents search engine
- Python >=3.7
- Pandas
- Scikit-learn
import re, json
import unicodedata, string
import time
import operator
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
from collections import defaultdict
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk import pos_tag
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer'punkt')'wordnet')'averaged_perceptron_tagger')'stopwords')
Files used in the notebook are stored in the folder data of the repository
**1: Créer les keywords à partir d'une phrase¶
en se basant sur les mots d'un dictionnaire et un corpus de texte en passant par la tokenization, la correction, la lemmatization et le removeStopWords**
def get_dico():
textdir = ""
try:DICO = open(textdir,'r',encoding="utf-8").read()
except: DICO = open(textdir,'r').read()
return DICO
def remove_accents(input_str):
"""This method removes all diacritic marks from the given string"""
norm_txt = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', input_str)
shaved = ''.join(c for c in norm_txt if not unicodedata.combining(c))
return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', shaved)
def clean_sentence(texte):
# Replace diacritics
texte = remove_accents(texte)
# Lowercase the document
texte = texte.lower()
# Remove Mentions
texte = re.sub(r'@\w+', '', texte)
# Remove punctuations
texte = re.sub(r'[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation), ' ', texte)
# Remove the doubled space
texte = re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', texte)
#remove whitespaces at the beginning and the end
texte = texte.strip()
return texte
def tokenize_sentence(texte):
#clean the sentence
texte = clean_sentence(texte)
liste_words = texte.split()
return liste_words
def strip_apostrophe(liste_words):
get_radical = lambda word: word.split('\'')[-1]
return list(map(get_radical,liste_words))
def pre_process(sentence):
#remove '_' from the sentence
sentence = sentence.replace('_','')
#get words fro the sentence
liste_words = tokenize_sentence(sentence)
#cut out 1 or 2 letters ones
liste_words = [elt for elt in liste_words if len(elt)>2]
#prendre le radical après l'apostrophe
liste_words = strip_apostrophe(liste_words)
print('\nsentence to words : ',liste_words)
return liste_words
correction des mots¶
def edits1(word):
"All edits that are one edit away from `word`."
letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
splits = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word) + 1)]
deletes = [L + R[1:] for L, R in splits if R]
transposes = [L + R[1] + R[0] + R[2:] for L, R in splits if len(R)>1]
replaces = [L + c + R[1:] for L, R in splits if R for c in letters]
inserts = [L + c + R for L, R in splits for c in letters]
return set(deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts)
def edits2(word):
"All edits that are two edits away from `word`."
return (e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1))
def known(words):
"The subset of `words` that appear in the dictionary of WORDS."
return set(w for w in words if w in WORDS)
def candidates(word):
"Generate possible spelling corrections for word."
return (known([word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known(edits2(word)) or [word])
"cette fonction retourne la liste des mots de dictionnaire"
DICO = get_dico()
WORDS = Counter(pre_process(DICO)) #Counter prends un str et retourne une sorte de liste enrichie
"correction des mots "
N = sum(WORDS.values())
P = lambda word: WORDS[word] / N #"Probability of `word`."
correction = lambda word: max(candidates(word), key=P) #"Most probable
return WORDS,correction
stopwords et stemming(premier exemple)¶
## stopwords #//
with open('stp_words_.txt','r') as f:
## bdd de stemmer
with open("sample_.json",'r',encoding='cp1252') as json_file:
LISTE = json.load(json_file)
my_stemmer = lambda word: LISTE[word] if word in LISTE else word
"cette fonction retourne la liste des mots du user"
liste_words = pre_process(sentence)
liste_words = list(map(CORRECTION,liste_words))
liste_words = list(map(my_stemmer,liste_words))
print('\n------------remove stop-words--------\n')
liste_words = [elt for elt in liste_words if elt not in STOPWORDS]
return liste_words
SENTENCE_TO_CORRECT_WORDS('La PR reste au statut «\xa0Approuve(e)\xa0» et il n’y a pas de commande\"\'')
['reste', 'statut', 'approuve', 'n’y', 'pas', 'commande']
['reste', 'statut', 'approuve', 'non', 'pas', 'commande']
['rester', 'statut', 'approuver', 'non', 'pas', 'commander']
------------remove stop-words--------
['rester', 'statut', 'approuver', 'commander']
['rester', 'statut', 'approuver', 'commander']
Create dataset¶
Create dataset
def open_file(textdir):
found = False
try:texte = open(textdir,'r',encoding="utf-8").read();found=True
try: texte = open(textdir,'r').read();found=True
except: pass
if not found:
texte = open(textdir,'r',encoding='cp1252').read();found=True
return texte
def add_col(df_news,titre,keywords):
return df_news.append(dict(zip(df_news.columns,[titre, keywords])), ignore_index=True)
liste_pb = [elt for elt in open_file('liste_pb_.txt').split('\n') if elt]
df_new = df_news.drop(df_news.index)
for i,titre in enumerate(liste_pb):
keywords = ','.join(SENTENCE_TO_CORRECT_WORDS(titre))
df_new = add_col(df_new,titre,keywords)
Subject Clean_Keyword
0 Message d'erreur : "Le fournisseur ARIBA n'exi... message,erreur,fournisseur,aria,exister
1 Message d'erreur : "Commande d’article non aut... message,erreur,commander,article,autoriser,oto
2 Message d'erreur : "Statut utilisateur FERM ac... message,erreur,statut,utilisateur,actif,oto
3 Message d'erreur : "Statut systeme TCLO actif ... message,erreur,statut,systeme,col,actif,nord
4 Message d'erreur "___ Cost center change could... message,erreur,coat,centrer,changer,cold,affecter
5 Messaeg d'erreur "___ OTP change could not be ... message,erreur,otp,changer,cold,affecter
6 Messaeg d'erreur "Entrez Centre de couts" message,erreur,entrer,centrer,cout
7 Message d'erreur "Indiquez une seule imputatio... message,erreur,indiquer,imputation,statistique
8 Message d'erreur "Imputations CO ont des centr... message,erreur,imputation,centrer,profit
9 Message d'erreur "Poste ___ Ordre ___ depassem... message,erreur,poster,ordre,depassement,budget
10 Message d'erreur "Entrez une quantite de comma... message,erreur,entrer,quantite,commander
11 Message d'erreur "Indiquez la quantite" message,erreur,indiquer,quantite
12 Message d'erreur "Le prix net doit etre superi... message,erreur,prix,net,superieur
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
57 UO4-5 Commande | Envoi d'une commande manuelle uo4,commander,envoi,commander,manuel
58 UO5-4 Reception | Anomalie workflow uo5,reception,anomalie,workflow
59 UO5-1 Reception | Modification(s) de reception(s) uo5,reception,modification,reception
60 UO5-2 Reception | Annulation(s) de reception(s) uo5,reception,annulation,reception
61 UO5-3 Reception | Forcer la reception uo5,reception,forcer,reception
62 UO3-5 Demande d'achat | Demande de support cre... uo3,demander,achat,demander,support,creation
63 UO3-6 Demande d'achat | Demande de support mod... uo3,demander,achat,demander,support,modification
64 UO3-7 Demande d'achat | Demande de support ann... uo3,demander,achat,demander,support,annulation
65 UO4-2 Commande | Demande de support modificati... uo4,commander,demander,support,modification,co...
tokenize and stemming(second exemple)¶
# WordNetLemmatizer requires Pos tags to understand if the word is noun or verb or adjective etc. By default it is set to Noun
def wordLemmatizer(data,colname):
tag_map = defaultdict(lambda : wn.NOUN)
tag_map['J'] = wn.ADJ
tag_map['V'] = wn.VERB
tag_map['R'] = wn.ADV
file_clean_k =pd.DataFrame()
for index,entry in enumerate(data):
# Declaring Empty List to store the words that follow the rules for this step
Final_words = []
# Initializing WordNetLemmatizer()
word_Lemmatized = WordNetLemmatizer()
# pos_tag function below will provide the 'tag' i.e if the word is Noun(N) or Verb(V) or something else.
for word, tag in pos_tag(entry):
# Below condition is to check for Stop words and consider only alphabets
if len(word)>1 and word not in stopwords.words('french') and word.isalpha():
word_Final = word_Lemmatized.lemmatize(word,tag_map[tag[0]])
# The final processed set of words for each iteration will be stored in 'text_final'
file_clean_k.loc[index,colname] = str(Final_words)
file_clean_k.loc[index,colname] = str(Final_words)
file_clean_k=file_clean_k.replace(to_replace ="\[.", value = '', regex = True)
file_clean_k=file_clean_k.replace(to_replace ="'", value = '', regex = True)
file_clean_k=file_clean_k.replace(to_replace =" ", value = '', regex = True)
file_clean_k=file_clean_k.replace(to_replace ='\]', value = '', regex = True)
return file_clean_k
def wordLemmatizer_(sentence):
#prendre une phrase que retourner un str (les mots sont separes par des ,)
preprocessed_query = preprocessed_query = re.sub("\W+", " ", sentence).strip()
tokens = word_tokenize(str(preprocessed_query))
q_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['q_clean'])
idx = 0
colname = 'keyword_final'
q_df.loc[idx,'q_clean'] =tokens
return wordLemmatizer(q_df.q_clean,colname).loc[idx,colname]
2: trouver la meilleure phrase dans une liste de phrase¶
method: TF-Idf¶
TfIdf stands for: Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency
In order to compare the user input to existing sentence in database, we will go throught two process
- Normalize database: Apply the pre-processing method to all sentences in the database. We then have, for each sentence, a list of keywords
- For each keyword kw for each sentence st, we compute,
- \(frqc(word,sentence)\) : occurrence of the keyword word in the sentence
- \(doc\_frqc(word)\): number of sentences where the word appears
- \(N\) = Number of sentences
\(tf(wd,stc) = \frac {frqc(wd,stc)}{ \sum_{stc} frqc(wd,stc) }\)
\(idf(wd) = \log(\frac{N}{doc\_frqc(wd)})\)
\(tfidf(wd,stc) = tf(wd,stc) *idf(wd)\)
- st1: The computer is down
- st2: We need to change the computers
- st3: Changements have to be handle by the IT
keywords per sentence
vocabulary: [computer , down, need, change, handle, IT]
tf | sentence1 | sentence2 | sentence3 |
computer | ½ | ½ | 0 |
down | 1 | 0 | 0 |
need | 0 | 1 | 0 |
change | 0 | ½ | ½ |
handle | 0 | 0 | 1 |
IT | 0 | 0 | 1 |
idf values for the keywords
N =number_of_sentences = 3
idf | |
computer | log(3/2) |
down | log(3/1) |
need | log(3/1) |
change | log(3/2) |
handle | log(3/1) |
IT | log(3/1) |
example for sentence 2: computing of the keywords tfidf values
vectorisation of the sentence 2
vectorisation of the sentences
similarities between the user input and the sentences
- user input: The IT have replaced all of the computers
- keywords: [ 'IT', 'all', 'computer']
- keywords found in dictionnary: [ 'IT','computer']
- vectorization: [1,0,0,0,1]
fonction: cosine_similarity_T¶
def init(df_news):
## Create Vocabulary
vocabulary = set()
for doc in df_news.Clean_Keyword:
vocabulary = list(vocabulary)# Intializating the tfIdf model
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(vocabulary=vocabulary)# Fit the TfIdf model Transform the TfIdf model
globals()['vocabulary'],globals()['tfidf'],globals()['tfidf_tran'] = vocabulary,tfidf,tfidf_tran
Create a vector for Query/search keywords¶
def gen_vector_T(tokens,df_news,vocabulary,tfidf,tfidf_tran):
Q = np.zeros((len(vocabulary)))
x= tfidf.transform(tokens)
for token in tokens[0].split(','):
ind = vocabulary.index(token)
Q[ind] = x[0, tfidf.vocabulary_[token]]
print(token,':','not found')
return Q
Cosine Similarity function¶
def cosine_sim(a, b):
if not np.linalg.norm(a) and not np.linalg.norm(b): return -3
if not np.linalg.norm(a):return -1
if not np.linalg.norm(b):return -2
cos_sim =, b)/(np.linalg.norm(a)*np.linalg.norm(b))
return cos_sim
def cosine_similarity_T(k, query,df_news,vocabulary=None,tfidf=None,tfidf_tran=None,mine=True):
vocabulary = globals()['vocabulary']
tfidf = globals()['tfidf']
tfidf_tran = globals()['tfidf_tran']
print('up exception')
q_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['q_clean'])
if mine:q_df.loc[0,'q_clean'] =','.join(SENTENCE_TO_CORRECT_WORDS(query))
else:q_df.loc[0,'q_clean'] = wordLemmatizer_(query)
d_cosines = []
query_vector = gen_vector_T(q_df['q_clean'],df_news,vocabulary,tfidf,tfidf_tran )
for d in tfidf_tran.A:
d_cosines.append(cosine_sim(query_vector, d ))
out = np.array(d_cosines).argsort()[-k:][::-1]
a = pd.DataFrame()
for i,index in enumerate(out):
a.loc[i,'index'] = str(index)
a.loc[i,'Subject'] = df_news['Subject'][index]
for j,simScore in enumerate(d_cosines[-k:][::-1]):
a.loc[j,'Score'] = simScore
return a
Test: cosine_similarity_T¶
def test(data,sentence,init_=False,mine=True):
if not init_:
deb = time.time();print('\n\n## ## ## ## ## #')
print('\n## ## ## ## ## #temps init: ', time.time()-deb)
deb = time.time();print('\n\n## ## ## ## ## #')
print(cosine_similarity_T(10, sentence,df_news))
print('\n## ## ## ## ## #temps methode 1: ', time.time()-deb)
sentence = 'Message d\'erreur \"La qte livree est differente de la qte facturee ; fonction impossible"'
sentence = 'erreur de conversion'
sentence = 'message d\'erreur'
sentence = "groupe d'acheteurs non défini"
sentence = "UO4"
sentence = "le fournisseur MDM n'existe pas"
cosine_similarity_T(10,sentence,df_new )
['fournisseur', 'mdm', 'existe', 'pas']
['fournisseur', 'mdm', 'existe', 'pas']
['fournisseur', 'mdm', 'exister', 'pas']
------------remove stop-words--------
['fournisseur', 'mdm', 'exister']
index Subject Score
0 19 Message d'erreur "Le fournisseur MDM___ n’exis... 0.781490
1 0 Message d'erreur : "Le fournisseur ARIBA n'exi... 0.600296
2 20 Message d'erreur "Le fournisseur MDM___ est bl... 0.587467
3 14 Message d'erreur "Le centre de profit __ n'exi... 0.236420
4 33 Message d'erreur "Il existe des factures pour ... 0.214371
5 53 Message d'erreur "Fournisseur non present dans... 0.142208
6 18 Message d'erreur "Validation ___ : le compte _... 0.000000
7 30 Message d'erreur "Renseigner correctement le d... 0.000000
8 29 Message d'erreur "Article ___ non gere dans la... 0.000000
9 28 Message d'erreur "Fonctions oblig. Suivantes n... 0.000000
... ... ...
Conclusion and Discussions¶
- The system is very fast and reliable
- The shortlist, after tests is highly relevant to the user query with the best answer, appearing either first or second
- Some methods employed must be adapted for english or other languages different of french